Estate Part 2
Happy New Month, everyone :),
Estate Part 2 includes 36 objects, most with a colour palette of 30 tones.
You asked if I could create wooden stairs, and I think it was about time to follow your wish. I played around with the steps and studied Georgian stairs; they look especially nice cantilevered. The railings for my Chateau Set were ornate, while most Georgian Stairs I saw have simpler cast iron railings. This Set includes:
Georgian Doors, Closed, Open and a separate door frame
Georgian Doors, Closed, Open and separate door frame, shorter Proportion
Georgian Double Doors, Open and separate door frame
Arches with Columns
Round Arches
Stair Landing Extensions
Functional Railing
Functional Fence
Railing and Fence as Objects
Two Different Chandeliers with two wall heights
Rustic Timber Floor Boards
Parquet Floor, Parquet Floor Trim
The wallpapers shown are coming next month. Since the latest update, the ceilings have looked strange, so I skipped the ceiling paints. I hope the Sims fixes that soon.
This Set is on Early access and will be available for everyone in October
I hope you enjoy continuing with your estates, and Happy Simming !!!!
Lots of Love,
Felix xxx
To find all items, you can type ‘Felixandre’ or ‘Estate’ in the search bar
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